Why you need a professional to help write your will

The internet is full of almost anything you could ask for. Whilst it can help you with a lot of DIY tasks, there are some things that still require professional help – will writing is an example.

There are many will writing tools available online, however none of them can promise you a final will that is free of mistakes and potential problems. Here’s why you shouldn’t risk doing it yourself and get some professional assistance

No errors

A will has got to be free of mistakes. That may seem obvious to you, and you may think that your DIY attempt has no errors, however could be something that doesn’t add up without you even realising.

Doing it yourself could also lead to you missing some key points given a lack of knowledge in the rules around wills, as well as the lack of experience in writing them.

Common errors and mix-ups that arise from DIY wills include forgetting to sign the will, not telling anyone where the will is, forgetting to update it and forgetting that marriage automatically revokes  wills signed prior to the wedding – to name a few!


This leads us on to our next point: the wording of the will. It’s important that the language used and the points made are clear and concise. Vague wording or odd choice of words and phrases can easily lead to confusion, or worse still, it could lead the will to be declared invalid.

Handwritten wills can have the same problem. If you decide to handwrite your will, it may not be recognised by the courts. All wills need to follow proper guidelines in order take effect.

False economy

At the end of it all, DIYing your will is a false economy. Not only do you risk potential problems with its legitimacy, your family will suffer far more problems with it after your death. Drafting your will yourself could lose you a lot of money, and it’s likely that your money will not go to where you intended it to go.

Getting professional advice and help when it comes to writing your will is the cost-effective solution; it guarantees a flawless result when it comes to distributing your money, estate and other belongings, making sure that all of your plans are rightly followed through and achieved.

Professional advice

We always advise that people have their wills drafted by, or with the help of a solicitor. There is the potential for a lot of problems to arise; problems that will only worsen for your family and friends after your death.

At Attwood & Co, we are always happy to help clients with their wills – if you are interested in our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!